Growing up with Music - The Rusticucci Method

“Growing up with Music”: the path to the Toscanini Cultural Association

Each student (and his family) who enters the Association will feel a calm and happy atmosphere. The Music is an instrument, not a purpose, that helps students better grow up.

Along the path in the Toscanini family, three phases can be identified.



When a student enters the Toscanini, he brings with himself tranquillity and serenity, that arise from his family. Then, he will need attention, precise points of reference and loving welcome: these attitudes do not stop at the moment of the meeting with an educator, but they will go on till the student feels self-confident, capable and independent. In the welcome phase the educator begins an interactive relationship with student and his family. To create a full and complete harmony, the teacher puts himself at the same level of the student. Moreover, each student has a personalised curriculum as teacher and student organise their didactic materials each time.



A student, who obtains self-confidence and awareness of his abilities, will start the out-and-out learning (when he wishes). He will become protagonist of his own achievements, he will refine his musical knowledge and obtain maximum output thanks to study methods and preparatory didactic materials congruent with academic curriculum.



When high school is finished and a good musical knowledge has been obtained, the student has the possibility to work with the Toscanini Association again travelling a path he well knew when he was a student and apprentice. He could study and deepen the Rusticucci Method, he could refine his knowledge on the didactic and educational matters and, finally, he could obtain the Rusticucci Method professional teaching certificate.